Thermal Energy Lingo
Honors Physical Science
thermal energy (TE)
kinetic energy (KE)
potential energy (PE)
 heat of vaporization
thermal expansion
kinetic theory of matter
specific heat capacity
heat of fusion

 From the list of words above, choose the one that corresponds to the definitions below.

1. Direct change of a substance from the solid to the gas state, without passing through the liquid state.      ______________________________

2. The state of matter that exists due to a high amount of energy and the particles break apart into positive and negative ions.     ______________________________

3. A change of state from a liquid to a gas that takes place below boiling point.    ______________________________

4. Described as energy that flows from one object to another due to differences in temperature. Flows from a warmer material to a cooler material   ______________________________

5. A term used to describe any substance that flows, mainly liquids and gases.     ______________________________

6. Anything that can change the condition of matter. ______________________________

7. The number of calories required to raise the temperature of one gram of substance one Celsius degree.      ______________________________

8. Measure of the average kinetic energy of the particles that makes up a sample of matter. Relative hotness/coldness.  ______________________________

9. Mass of a substance per unit volume.   ______________________________

10. State of matter in which all the particles are packed tightly with what little motion due to vibrations of the particles.      _____________________________

11. State of matter in which particles move freely of one another and only sporadic contact. _____________________________

12. State of matter in which the particles are packed loosely, and the vibrations have increased so that the particles can flow around each other.    _____________________________

13. A material that does not allow heat or electricity to move easily through it. A poor conductor. _____________________________

14. A material that allows energy to move easily through it.      _____________________________

15. The total energy (KE & PE) of a material’s particles. _____________________________

16. Energy of position or stored energy.   ____________________________

17. Energy of motion.     _____________________________

18. Based on the idea that all matter is made up of constantly moving , tiny particles.   _____________________________

19. The transfer of energy through electromagnetic waves. _____________________________

20. The transfer of energy through matter in which energy moves from particle to particle.    _____________________________

21. The transfer of energy by movement of the matter itself. _____________________________

22. Change of state from a gas to a liquid.   _____________________________

23. Change of state from a liquid to a gas occurring at the boiling point.     _____________________________

24. Change of state from a liquid to a solid.   _____________________________

25. Describes the characteristic of most matter to expand when heated and contract when cooled.  _____________________________

26. Amount of energy per unit of mass needed to change a material from a solid to a liquid.   _____________________________

27. Amount of energy per unit of mass needed to change a material from a liquid to a gas.    _____________________________